Not to brag but when I first posted this recipe on my insta, the vegan chicken brand I used liked and commented on my photo. So you could say I'm a celeb..
Went down to Dunedin with my best friend to stay with her family (aka my second home), and of course I had to flex on them all that I'm a 'chef' now so we made this with random stuff we found in the fridge, and I gotta tell ya.. It's delish!

Prep time: 5 min
Cooking time: 15 min
Serves 3-4
Pasta 2 white onions 1/2 cup of peas 1 tomato Mushrooms Spinach Spring onion Sunfed vegan chicken (or alt. brand) 4 tbsp miso paste Olive oil Salt Recipe:
1. Cook pasta according to instructions.
2. Sauté onion in oil until translucent, then add diced veggies.
3. In a separate pan cook the vegan chicken until golden brown.
4. Add miso paste and 1 tbsp boiling water to veggie pan to create a sauce, then add chicken and mix well.
5. Serve on pasta, top with spring onion and enjoy!